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Brand vs branding: What’s the difference?

Well, quite a bit actually. But as there’s so much jargon out there about brands, branding and brand identity — and why every business needs them — it’s no wonder some folk are left scratching their heads.

Globally people are becoming more savvy and selective about the products and services they purchase, and the brands they engage with. For businesses this means a brand needs a clear, distinct voice and identity. But for many organisations—large and small—there’s still some confusion about what a brand actually is and the value that a good brand identity can bring to a business.

What is a brand?

Well, you’ll be pleased to know (in this context at least) it has nothing to do with cattle or branding irons. To a business, a brand is as a set of ideas and perceptions that represent your company’s product or service. What you do as a business, how your business behaves and what people experience of your business is what forms these thoughts and it’s what forms your brand.

What is branding or brand identity?

This is the overall look and feel of your brand. The tangible part that you can see and touch, or hear and watch. A brand identity brings together different visual and written elements (your logo, tagline, copy, graphics and photography) to form a consistent look and to differentiate you from your competitors.

A good brand identity can build a strong connection with clients when you have a clear brand message, engaging copy and a visual style cuts through and connects. So it’s important to think strategically and get the building blocks right from the start.

How do you build a great brand? In Tandem.

The good news is, we’re here to help. At Tandem we build brands by creating unique, enduring brand identities with strategy and creativity.

Maybe you’re launching a new business or product? Or perhaps you want to refresh your existing brand? Or maybe you just want to get back on track and reconnect with your customers?

Wherever your plans, the best place to start is with a no obligation chat. Get in touch and talk to our Fremantle branding specialists.