What’s the difference between a brand problem and a marketing problem?


The answer is surprisingly simple. And once you know the difference you can find a path to the best solution.


Problem 1: Too few people KNOW about you (your service/product) = a MARKETING problem.

If people don’t know about your business, service or product, they can’t buy from you. It’s a common problem for businesses of all shapes and sizes and (unless you’re a global powerhouse brand) it’s likely you’ll suffer from this in some way.

Problem 2: Too few people CHOOSE you (your service/product) = a BRAND problem.

Obviously people have to know you before they can choose you. But they also have to know WHY they should choose you. They have to WANT to choose you; to want to choose your product/service.

Although branding and marketing are intrinsically linked, solving each problem requires different expertise.

  1. Marketing problems can be solved through marketing strategy and operating marketing plans or brand communication targeted at your customers or audience. By engaging with the people that matter.

  2. Brand problems can be solved by renewing, reinvigorating or realigning your brand strategy, and/or your branding. That can help your audience better understand WHY they should choose you.

The takeaway

If people don’t know about your business, service or product, they can’t buy from you. If people don’t know why your brand is different—what you stand for and what that means for them—they can’t choose you.



Need help with your brand? Talk to an expert. Book a free, no-obligation call with our Perth branding consultants.


Tandem Studio

Tandem Studio is a branding and design agency based in Perth, Western Australia. Combining strategy with creativity (and 20+ years’ experience) we build simple, smart, effective brands. No gimmicks or marketing fads. Just brands that endure.


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